Other Publications

2024 - About TWAS (English)

TWAS leaflet front side

English-language version of a leaflet giving an overview of what TWAS is and what it does.


2022 - Declaration of the Tenth World Science Forum

Science for Social Justice
Text adopted on 9 December 2022, in Cape Town, South Africa

2022 - Statements from the Plenary Session on "Basic science for human development, peace, and planetary health"

The Pontifical Academy of Sciences has held conferences and issued science-based statements urging to address, among others, the massive health problems caused by the pandemic and by inadequate health systems, the large-scale destruction of nature and the climate crises, artificial intelligence, rising inequalities, hunger and poverty, and increasing local and global conflicts.


2022 - About TWAS (Italian)

Opuscolo in lingua italiana che illustra l'attività dell'Accademia.

Italian-language version of a leaflet giving an overview of what TWAS is and what it does. An English version is also available.


2020 - Statement on COVID-19

TWAS calls for global collaboration inclusive of developing countries to combat the pandemic.
